Based in Los Angeles and Tokyo, FILM SCORE LLC is a music production company specializes in soundtrack production for game, animation and motion picture. We offer a variety of music services such as supporting contracts and project management with top-tier recording artists, composers, orchestrators, music copyists, recording engineers, scoring mixers, Dolby Atmos music mixer to deliver high-quality music for your project and/or branding needs.
FILM SCORE LLCはロサンゼルスと東京を拠点に、ゲーム、アニメ、映画などのサウンドトラック制作を専門とした音楽プロダクションです。国内、海外の一流作曲家やレコーディング・アーティスト、オーケストレーター、コピイスト(写譜)、レコーディング・エンジニア、スコアリング・ミキサー、プロジェクト・マネジメントと連携し作品毎の最適なチーム作りやブランディングをサポートし、映像のための高品質な音楽を提供しています。

Nobuko Toda and Kazuma Jinnouchi are British Academy Awards-nominated, film score composers and producers.
Based in Tokyo and Los Angeles, Nobuko Toda and Kazuma Jinnouchi are award-winning music composition and production team, who specializes in creating scores for film, television and video games. The duo’s music combines elements of orchestral, acoustic, electronic genres and musical sound design to create evocative and diverse soundscapes to create distinctive and emotional scores, and enhance the storytelling.
Toda and Jinnouchi have written music for numerous internationally-recognized projects - including Remothered: Tormented Fathers, Halo 5: Guardians, Uzumasa Limelight, Halo 4, A Realm Reborn - Final Fantasy XIV, Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, etc. Soundtrack album for Halo 5: Guardians was highly recognized worldwide, and ranked #2 on Billboard’s soundtrack chart during the first week of its release.
In recent years, Toda and Jinnouchi have started working closely with award-winning directors, Kenji Kamiyama and Shinji Aramaki, and wrote scores for Netflix ULTRAMAN, as well as the latest installment in highly-acclaimed Ghost In The Shell series, Ghost In The Shell SAC_2045, and, Star Wars Visions which is coming to 2021.
Both studied music at Berklee College of Music, graduated in 2002 after majoring in Film Scoring, and Contemporary Writing and Production. After years of collaboration with a variety of creative talents, and unique experience as in-house composer at Microsoft and Konami, the duo continues to be in high demand for their understanding of music production for both linear and interactive media. Over the last two decades, the duo has received numerous awards and honors including BAFTA Games Award, NAVGTR Awards, Global Music Award, and MPSE Golden Reel Award.
Contact us..
戸田信子 x 陣内一真
シリーズ合計5770万本を売上げたゲーム「メタルギアソリッド」シリーズでタッグを組み共同作曲を行なったのち、フィルム・スコアリング作曲技法を使い、映像や物語にシンクする音楽作りと作品に相応しい音響作りを求め続け、2013年にユニットを結成しサウンドトラックに特化した音楽プロダクション「FILM SCORE LLC」を設立。現在までに70を超える映像作品に2000曲以上の楽曲を提供している。
マイクロソフトのゲーム「Halo 5」のサントラでは初登場で全米ビルボードのサウンドトラックTOP2入りを果たし、ゴールデンリール賞(MPSE)の長編外国語映画部門音響編集賞や、グローバル・ミュージック・アワードや、英国アカデミー賞ゲーム部門音楽賞ノミネートを受け、近年では「すずめの戸締まり」で日本アカデミー音楽賞を受賞するなど国内外で様々な音楽賞を受賞している。
Disney+アニメ『スター・ウォーズ:ビジョンズ /九人目のジェダイ』
ゲーム『メタルギアソリッド4 ガンズ・オブ・ザ・パトリオット』(KONAMI)
ゲーム『Halo 5:Guardians』(Microsoft)
TVアニメ『ウマ娘 プリティーダービー』

Nobuko Toda & Kazuma Jinnouchi


Composed by Nobuko Toda, Kazuma Jinnouchi

Music by Nobuko Toda x Kazuma Jinnouchi

![キングダム ハーツ 3D [ドリーム ドロップ ディスタンス]』(キングダム ハーツ ドリーム ドロップ ディスタンス、KINGDOM HEARTS 3D [Dream Drop Distance]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/c7b2dd_c89b274bef864c739ae324c0c6949259.jpg/v1/fill/w_445,h_409,al_c,q_80,enc_avif,quality_auto/c7b2dd_c89b274bef864c739ae324c0c6949259.jpg)

- Japanese Academy Award, Best Music
日本アカデミー賞 優秀音楽賞(作曲・RADWINPS、陣内一真)
- Anny Award, Best Music, (nomination)
日本アカデミー賞 優秀音楽賞(作曲・RADWINPS、陣内一真)
- Hollywood Music In Media Awards 20 Best Soundtrack - June Monthly Award, Winner
- 50th Jerry Gold Smith Award, (nomination)
第50回.ジェリー・ゴールド・スミス・アワード ノミネート
- New York International Film Awards, Best Soundtrack - June Monthly Award, Winner
ニューヨーク・インターナショナル国際映画祭、最優秀サウンドトラック賞 6月部門 受賞
- Oniros Film Awards Best Soundtrack, Best of Year
- Paris Art and Movie Awards, Best Score Nomination
Remothered: Tormented Fathers
- Oniros Film Awards 2019, Best Song [nomination]
- Global Music Awards 2018, Best Composer/ Composition, Winner
グローバル・ミュージック・アワード 最優秀ベスト作曲・作曲家賞
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
- The Game Awards 2015, Best Score / Soundtrack
ゲーム・アワード2015 最優秀ベストサウンドトラック賞
- The Game Music Awards 2015, Vocal Theme "Quiet's Theme" (nomination)
ゲーム・アワード2015 最優秀ボーカルテーマ”Quiet's"賞 ノミネート
Halo 5: Guardians
- The British Academy Game Awards 2016, Best Music (nomination)
英国アカデミー賞、ゲーム部門 最優秀音楽賞 ノミネート
- Motion Picture Sound Editors (MPSE) Golden Reel Awards 2016, Best Sound Editing
- National Academy of Video Game Trade Reviewers (NAVGTR) Award, Original Dramatic Score, Franchise, Winner
VGChartz, Best Original Music Score of 2015, Winner
- The XboxOne 2015 Game Of The Year Awards, Best Soundtrack, Winner
Xbox Oneゲームアワード、最優秀サウンドトラック賞
- The Game Awards 2015, Best Score / Soundtrack (nomination)
- Annual Game Music Awards 2015, Cinematic Music (nomination) & Outstanding Production Music Studio "FILM SCORE LLC" (nomination)
Sumo Road - Dosuko Musical -
- Action On Film International Film Festival Best Musical Award, Winner
国際アクション映画祭 ベストミュージカル賞
- Sapporo international short film festival, Best Original Score, Winner
札幌国短編映画祭 最優秀オリジナル作曲賞
Uzumasa Limelight
- Motion Picture Sound Editors (MPSE) Award, Best Sound Editing Sound Effects, Foley, Dialogue, and ADR in a Foreign Language Feature (nomination)
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn
- MMOsite Reader's Choice Awards 2015, Best Soundtrack, Winner
- RPG Fan, Best Sound of 2013, Winner
- Annual Game Music Awards 2013, Best Soundtrack of The Year - Eastern - & Outstanding Production Music Studio "FILM SCORE LLC" (nomination)
Halo 4
- 29th Annual NAMM TEC Awards, Interactive Entertainment Sound Production, Winner
- inside Gaming Award, 2012
- Motion Picture Sound Editors (MPSE) Golden Reel Awards 2013, Best Original Score (nomination)
- 11th Annual G.A.N.G. Awards, Best Soundtrack Album, Best Original Vocal, Audio of the Year (nomination)
Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots
- Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences Awards 2009, Outstanding Achievement In Original Music, Winner
- IGN Best of 2008 Overall Award & Readers’ Choice, Best Original Score, Winner
- SpikeTV Video Game Awards 2008, Best Original Score, Winner
- G4TV X-Play’s Best of 2008 Awards, Best Original Soundtrack Winner
- GDC Game Developers’ Choice Awards, Best Audio (nomination)
- The British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) Games Awards 2009, Best Original Score (nomination)
Intercity Tower A-28F, 2-15-1 Konan Minato-ku Tokyo 1086028 JAPAN | 080.5415.5203 | office@filmscore.jp